Monday, July 28, 2014

If every Monday could start this way.... Waking up naturally from the sound of a rainstorm, followed shortly by the surprise of sunlight streaming through the windows, then the wonder if there might be a rainbow somewhere out there. Instead of... someone's car alarm waking me in the middle of the night, followed by my actual alarm waking me in what feels like  the middle of the night, then the onset of dread about the day ahead.

Plus the accomplishment of a seriously "nagging task", to use Gretchen Rubin's term from the Happiness Project. It's a big day in the claims department! My focus this year on reclaiming all that I want (back) just paid off. Usually, intangible things (like time) are packed into that bag I want to reclaim, but this one contained a check!

It's a reminder that some wrongs do get righted. That I can be assertive. That I can get what I want. Even if it takes 12 months of calling, writing, and persisting. (what if that also applied to my now nearly year-long, newly named Chastity Project?) Fresh from Hannibal, MO, the Damage Recovery Unit has ensured that this monster will no longer eat away at me. Now I can reclaim and recover those units of space and time and money where this damage was so rudely strewn about my desk and mind and bank account for the past year!

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