Wednesday, August 6, 2014

10 tips for reducing stress that I'm just re-posting from its original source so that I can throw away this article that I've been transporting in my summer reading bag since 2012. #11 should be stop carrying around stuff from the past!
  1. Identify stressors (make a top 10 list, then strategies to shorten the list)
  2. Eliminate unnecessary commitments (think carefully about each one and its stress/value or give/take ratio)
  3. Stop procrastinating
  4. Get organized (from physical space to finding shorter routes from A to B)
  5. Arrive on time
  6. Understand what you can't control
  7. Stop multitasking
  8. Make room for relaxation
  9. Help others
  10. Exercise
 Anything you'd like to add?

1 comment:

  1. No deep thoughts, M. Just want to say it's been nice catching up. S's mother
