Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Elevating that recurring dream to a whole new level. Someday I hope to take pictures of the real infinite corridor (during MIThenge, of course). In my mind, I see a shimmering contrast to the place in my dream, where I would repeatedly find myself stuck in some lower level, cramped closet with one barely manageable way out that required contorting myself through a trapped door into the air ducts system. I'd shimmy my way through the narrow passageways trying to get up to the next level, but only the most delicate maneuvering of a small and bendy person would do it. Then I'd wind up in a creepy maze of room upon room, all the while knowing I'd been there before.

This dream scene looked a little like my mother's real life. She used to work from home once a week, a nice idea that meant, for her...retreat to the dark basement, the dungeon as she called it, where the cat -more than once- decided to throw up directly on her computer (!), the furnace and/or dryer would intermittently interrupt her thoughts and phone calls, as she was surrounded by suffocating stacks of boxes.

Meanwhile, this infinite corridor, an expansive place of higher learning, was right nearby. Publicly accessible, full of possibilities, with a current of life continually passing through. Door upon door cracked open just awaiting your arrival, with streams of sunlight bathing everything in gold.

Now my mother works in the "penthouse" of their new place, with a skylight instead of no light, and a dormant fireplace instead of a noisy furnace, and a view of deer crossing the road...instead of other animal behavior ;) And I haven't had that dream for a long time!

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